Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dear Baby (from Daddy)

To my dear son Zachary John,

In 42 short days, I will finally get to see your beautiful eyes and I can’t wait!

Prior to your arrival, your mother and I have lived a life full of many adventures. Through our four and a half years of marriage, we have traveled, gone on multiple random adventures, and taken on many different challenges (one of them being that yappy yorkie-poo!). From starting a business, attending grad school, setting up a house, multiple weeks of travel, to attending ASU football games there have been many trying times. However there have also been a lot of smiles, hugs, and laughs in our lives with many tribulations. Through this time, we have grown to love each other, learn from each other, grown spiritual with each other and respect each other. It’s been a wonderful marriage and I love your mother more than I could have ever imagined.

However, at the beginning of the year 2010, we looked in each other’s eyes and knew that we wanted more in life. We wanted to grow in another way with each other, bringing up a child, in God’s way and living life to its fullest with our future children. Now we have been blessed with a son to be, and we are so exited for your arrival into this world. Your mother has been her usual self in making everything perfect for your arrival. We won’t tell you about the 8 shades of blue paint on the wall or the “where should the monkey decal hang” stresses. We have witness the excitement that your arrival is bringing to all the grandparents and family members and that has also brought joy in both me and your mother’s eyes as it shows us that you will have a lot of people who will love you immensely.

Your mother and I have already dreamed of the many different activities and quality time events that we will partake in with you. From seeing you take your first steps, to hearing you say your first words, there are many of God’s miracles that we will be experiencing in the next year to come and we are beyond excited. And of course, we can’t forget about taking you to ASU football games.

With this said I pray that God will bless your life and provide me and your mother guidance in raising you. I will do my best to learn to hold you and hug you and keep you comforted and always be your protector and guidance. You are my son and I will always try to be the best father that I could possibly be.

With all my love,

Thankfully ... a name!

We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. We had a very special announcement to make to our family and friends: the long-awaited name for the baby!

Drumroll please ................... our son's name is Zachary John Shelton!

Early on in the pregnancy, I was so sure it was a boy that we never discussed girl names at all. The initial list of favorites were Tyler, Dylan, Bryce, and Zachary. Many long-suffering conversations later (poor Blaine!), we had extended then narrowed down to the "top 10" of Zachary, Grant, Andrew, Joshua, Tyler, Logan, Gavin, Isaac, Trevor, and Elliot.

There were two "ah-ha" moments that led us to choose Zachary. When we were first trying out names, Blaine was talking to the belly and asked him if he liked Zachary ... and low and behold, a GIANT kick in response.

More meaningful was the realization of the names meaning. Zachary means "God remembers" ... and although that's pretty neat and all, I found it very perplexing. After all, God is all-knowing, so how does God "remember" something if He isn't capable of "forgetting"? Only a day or two after discussing this perplexion with Blaine, I was sitting in our church's small group chatting about the story of Noah. It came to discussion about how Noah was floating out on the water for 5 months before "God remembered" Noah. That was the moment that someone said, "when I read the old testament, it seems to me that when God remembers someone - that's when He is taking action through them and in their life".

That was when I knew Zachary was it! It's a lovely, strong, somewhat unique name ... but we love that my son's namesake is born of our desire to raise a son whom God's hand is acting through him and in his life. Blaine and I debated the name a little more after that, but I'll never forget the moment that he took me in his arms, looked me right in the eye and said, "Aleasha, his name is Zachary".

As for the middle name, I asked Blaine long before we ever conceived that if we had a son, could his middle name be for my grandpa John Kasiniak. My grandpa was a very special person in my life. As an only child, my mom's parents lived with us from when I was 3 years old until I went to college. My grandpa was my constant playmate, read to me, took me to garage sales, and generally helped me get into just enough trouble to be always having fun. He was a faithful husband, a proud soldier, a providing father, and the best grandpa I could've ever wished for. I miss him very much, and hope he is looking down on us proud to have our first son bear even a little part of him.

Aleasha and grandpa John:We revealed the name over the Thanksgiving weekend. Blaine's idea was to do a 'hangman' game with the Chew family, and a word-jumble with the Shelton's. I failed a bit as game-show hostess by forgetting that there was an 'H' in Zachary ... but nonetheless, the name was unveiled!

The Shelton reveal:

... and then the ensuing mischief:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Belly Pictures - Month 8

29 weeks (baby is the size of a butternut squash):30 weeks (baby is the size of a cabbage):31 weeks (baby is the size of 4 large oranges):32 weeks (baby is the size of a jicama):

Saturday, November 20, 2010

8th Month Reflections

Here a bit on month 8:

- Somewhere between 31 and 32 weeks, EVERYTHING got more difficult (walking, sleeping, eating, breathing, etc).

- It was really cool to finally see 3-D images of the little guy at my 30 week ultrasound. It's funny to me that every other 3-D ultrasound I've ever seen has seemed kinda creepy-looking ... but with my own baby, it's totally fascinating!

- We had my baby shower this month. I am so blessed to have my mom and friend Cara to host it (not to mention the all the help from Jessica, Molly, and Kym!). It was a mid-day affair for a whopping 40 guests! I had such a great time and my little boy is totally spoiled with the car-fulls of gear we toted home.

- We took the "Birth Basics and Breathing" classes at the hospital. It was really informational and we found our instructor, Janice, an absolute hoot. Blaine was a great sport, the only eye-rolling was regarding a classmate who asked way too many annoying questions (can you believe that it wasn't ME?). We learned a lot, but it also kinda scared me ... I feel almost too educated about the dangers/gross stuff than I needed to be.

- I was surprised to find myself melancholy about managing my last wedding of the season at 33 weeks (technically 32 weeks and 6 days). I plan to make appearances at the rest of our weddings, but I was kinda sad to officially step out of my lead role.

- This month of the pregnancy went by pretty fast. I've been really busy with work and baby preparations, and am only just now starting to get more uncomfortable than I've been.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby Shower

I am such a lucky girl! I was thrown the most amazing baby shower thanks to my mom, Cara, Jessica, and help from Kym and Molly too.

Cara orchestrated the giraffe-themed event at Brio for a Sunday brunch attended by a whooping 40-something guests. Yummy Italian munchies, the world's best carrot cake, and a mountain of gifts made for such a fun day.

I was so glad to share the day with my family and friends. I am so grateful that me and this little man are so stinkin' spoiled!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dear Baby (from Momma)

Dear Baby,

I've been meaning to write you for a while. I can't believe its been 7 months since the day I found out you were on your way to our home. It sometimes feels like that was just yesterday, but most of the time the days go by so slowly because I just can't wait to meet you.

Your daddy and I got to see the first 3-D pictures of you this week. It makes me that much more anxious to hold you and to have you here with us. I think you are going to look just like daddy (he's a handsome guy, so you've got a lucky hand there!), but hopefully you'll have a hint of me in you too! Daddy hopes you'll have my eyes. You've certainly got his head though ... all 97th percentile in circumference. It panics me to think of how I'm going to get you out, but I know it's all worth it for you!

I can't say that I have loved being pregnant with you. The affects on my body have not been entirely pleasant. Never doubt for even a moment that I have loved carrying you. Knowing that God is knitting you together, the details of you both inside and out ... it's just indescribable. Feeling you move and kick makes me smile every time as I dream of who you might be and what lies ahead for all of us.

You won't understand this for decades to come, but it's mind-boggling to know how much I already love you. You are my first child, my son. The hopes I have for you are endless. My dreams are for you to smile MUCH more often than not, to be grateful for all I know you'll be blessed with, to find happiness in your life and in the life you share with others, and most of all, to chase fiercely after God so that He may act in your life and through your life. This particular desire we have for you is the reason for your namesake, but that is a whole other story! I hope that you find a passion in your interests and occupation, whatever talents you choose to pursue. I find myself praying for you and your one-day spouse already; that God look after her and guide her ... that one day you might be as joyfully fulfilled in your marriage as your father and I are.

You should know that one of the greatest things I will ever do for you is marrying your father. God really orchestrated that one, but the effects of that blessing will echo long into your life. He is the best father I could have ever chosen for you. He is so smart, brilliant really. He inspires me often to keep learning about the world and to challenge my mind. He will no doubt encourage the same in you. He is also the most generous person I know with how caring he is. I am spoiled with how he loves me and puts my needs before his. It is with determination that I continually attempt to match his kindness, but always fail in comparison. I hope you inherit this quality of his.

Make no mistake that both your father and I have our short-comings. Please learn to be forgiving of us and learn from our mistakes. Know that we will always strive to do our best for you in a love that is unconditional. We will act in accordance in God's command to parent you with a balance of discipline and patience, encouragement and kindness ... to raise you up, and one day, let you go.

Oh my little guy, cherish each and every day. Live it to it's fullest. Love furiously. Chase any dreams you may have with courage and determination. I will always be here for you. You will always carry my love with you.

I love you my son,


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baby Shelton in 3-D!

I had a routine ultrasound today at 30 weeks. We have 3-dimensional pictures! I'm not sure if it's kind of creepy or really cool ... but here's science's best guess at what our son looks like:

I think he's all daddy! He's going to have Blaine's nose for sure ... and I think the little guy will look a lot like his daddy. He may have my lips and chubby cheeks though :)

Everything with baby and me are perfectly healthy. Even my weight gain is right on target. The only unusual thing is that he is looking to be a BIG baby. He's already 4 pounds, and his weight and measurements are all around 3 to 3 1/2 weeks ahead of my due date. It has no bearing on when he'll arrive (I was told that is more about hormones that are released when his lungs are mature). It does mean that he could possibly be a 9 to 9 1/2 pound baby. Yikes! Apparently, as we go through the next several weeks, the doctor will re-evaluate me to see if she will advise a scheduled c-section. On that note, I will finish this post with today's photo of his giant (super-smart!) head that is still measuring in the 97th percentile: