Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Belly Pictures - Month 7

25 weeks (baby is the size of a rutabaga):
26 weeks (baby is the size of an English cucumber):
27 weeks (baby is the size of a head of cauliflower):
28 weeks (baby is the size of a Chinese cabbage):

Sunday, October 17, 2010

7th Month Reflections

My thoughts on the 7th month:

- I've noticed that my movements in or out of various seated or reclined positions are accompanied by "sound effects". Most commonly are the noises "oomph!" and "heave-ho!"

- I mentioned it last month, but really, the snoogle pillow is still the best invention EVER!

- Blaine was smart to ban discussion on naming the baby with others. It is impossible to choose a name that would make everyone happy. (But we still haven't decided yet.)

- My 3rd official craving resulted in a $30 purchase of Chinese food ... all for myself! (The first two cravings were french fries with chocolate cake incident and then a calling for a bean burrito. Both happened in the 1st trimester.)

- I am getting a handle on my weight gain again. No longer a few pounds over-weight, now I am just on the upper end of the range I am supposed to be in. I am clocking out of this 7th month (28 weeks) at 21 lbs gained.

- Blaine is 30! We had a blast throwing him a "Cabo Beach Party" at my parents' house. I was sad not to partake in the margarita-machine fun, but the Sparky-on-the-beach cake was yummy!

- Maybe I am crazy ... well of course I am, but I think my sciatica pain is actually getting better. Either I am used to it or it's not bothering me as often as it was.

- I am starting to get stretch marks!!! Boo!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blaine's 30th Birthday

We celebrated Blaine's big THREE-O this month. I couldn't have pulled it off without all his help (yes, it's shameful, but it is crazy wedding season after all).

To the best husband a girl could wish for: you are an amazing man, and I hope you can see all you've accomplished and become in your first 30 years. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for you! I am so blessed to walk beside you yesterday, on your birthday, and in the years to come!
Barb and Bill (Aleasha's parents) were kind enough to offer to host the party at their house. It was a "Cabo Beach Party" so the beach attire, Mexican food, and margaritas were plentiful!
My favorite element of the party was the cake! Nothing embodied what I wanted the theme to be about than Sparky himself chillin' on the beach (with a bucket of beer of course)!