Sunday, October 17, 2010

7th Month Reflections

My thoughts on the 7th month:

- I've noticed that my movements in or out of various seated or reclined positions are accompanied by "sound effects". Most commonly are the noises "oomph!" and "heave-ho!"

- I mentioned it last month, but really, the snoogle pillow is still the best invention EVER!

- Blaine was smart to ban discussion on naming the baby with others. It is impossible to choose a name that would make everyone happy. (But we still haven't decided yet.)

- My 3rd official craving resulted in a $30 purchase of Chinese food ... all for myself! (The first two cravings were french fries with chocolate cake incident and then a calling for a bean burrito. Both happened in the 1st trimester.)

- I am getting a handle on my weight gain again. No longer a few pounds over-weight, now I am just on the upper end of the range I am supposed to be in. I am clocking out of this 7th month (28 weeks) at 21 lbs gained.

- Blaine is 30! We had a blast throwing him a "Cabo Beach Party" at my parents' house. I was sad not to partake in the margarita-machine fun, but the Sparky-on-the-beach cake was yummy!

- Maybe I am crazy ... well of course I am, but I think my sciatica pain is actually getting better. Either I am used to it or it's not bothering me as often as it was.

- I am starting to get stretch marks!!! Boo!

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