Monday, January 10, 2011

10th Month Reflections

Yes, with due dates being calculated at 40 weeks ... there is indeed a 10th month. Hopefully, the baby will arrive a bit sooner, but in the meanwhile, here's what is happening:

Week 36

- not dilated at all, 50% effaced

- Stronger Braxton-Hicks contractions (false labor) started. Apparently this is the body's way of preparing for the real thing. It's rather uncomfortable but not too bad. They come and go, maxing out at about 3-4 an hour.

- We had our last ultrasound to access his size. He is just above average at about 7lbs. His head is still measuring high, in the 94th percentile, but the doctor says my pelvis should be able to fit him. Here's hoping!

- The ultrasound technician said that he has A LOT of hair. She said she's never seen a baby with as much hair as Zach!

Week 37

- 1-2 cm dilated, 70% effaced

- Indigestion has been keeping me up most nights ... no bueno!

- Yeah, you know how in week 36 I said that the contractions weren't too bad? Well, I spoke too soon. They are much more intense this week they come and go daily, but have been worse on some days. At 37 weeks 4 days, they kept me up all night about every 10-15 minutes. Then on Christmas Day, they were bothering me most of the day, but by the afternoon they were stronger than ever at 7-12 minutes apart.

- Physical exhaustion has set in. Everything tires me out and I feel so pathetic with such little stamina.

Week 38

- 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced

-I am beginning to believe that this baby will never arrive. I'll end up carrying a 40-pound kindergartner.

Week 39

- 3-4 cm dilated, 80% effaced

- I still have contractions daily, sometimes as close together as 3-6 minutes ... but only a few are strong enough to take my breath away.

- The doctor scheduled me for an induction next week if I don't deliver before then, so D-Day will be January 11th at the latest.

Week 40

- Still no baby, headed in for the induction sometime on Tuesday, January 11th ... the hospital will call me in when they have a room available.

- I woke up on the last morning before the induction feeling like it was Christmas or the day before a big vacation. So much excitement and nerves! One thought was particularly overwhelming: this was the LAST night that was sleepless because of the rib pain, sciatica, and contractions. Now I'll be up for a much better reason ... a beautiful baby boy!

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