Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nursery is Ready!

Boy oh boy, I am so glad we had 9 months to prepare the nursery! Looking back, I know I probably spent too much time over-analysing the details. Our little guy has quite the haven to call his own that we put a lot of love into.

Blaine painting (only after I had 9 different samples on the wall!):
Then we had the carpets cleaned, which meant our house looked like this for a couple days:Painted walls, pristine carpets, and the start of the "baby pile":Here is Blaine just before he realized he had to figure out a way to get the furniture delivery IN the house:Applying the decals:
And finally, the finished room:


  1. Oh my gosh, I love it!! The decals are great, love the owl sitting on the shelf. I'm in the steps of moving Katie out of the nursery so I can clean it up for the new baby. Yours looks so happy and bright!

  2. I feel like it's missing a monkey... lol j/k it does look AWESOME. And I'm totally jealous of that elephant humidfier. WHY don't they make a monkey one?!?

    And... if you hadn't spent too much time "over-analysing" it, it wouldn't have been Aleasha's baby's room! ; ) Good Job Mama!!
