Wednesday, July 14, 2010

1st Trimester Reflections

Here is are some of the highs, lows, and lessons learned from my first trimester:

- Excitement over being symptom free was fleeting. The dizziness, nausea, and watery mouth started at 4 weeks and lasted until 11.5 weeks.

- Apples with peanut butter, nuts, and dried fruit were the only things that kept me and baby alive during these 3 months.

- Announcing our news to family and friends was WAY more exciting to me than Blaine.

- Oversees jet-lag is extra painful when you are constantly tired and nauseous.

- German food is absolutely stomach-turning when you have morning sickness.

- I feel ahead of the weight gain game to only have put on 1 pound the whole trimester. I guess morning sickness has that one perk.

- My new favorite thing was to run my hands over my belly in the morning before I got out of bed to feel how my tummy was starting to change slightly.

- I had only 2 incidents of mind-numbing cravings. There was the bean burrito that I HAD TO HAVE right in the middle of my yoga class. Then over coffee and cake one evening in Europe, we waived over the waiter so I could order some french fries too!

- Before being pregnant, I never knew I could have a debilitating fear of throwing up in front of clients or in public.

- It's way to easy to collect a HUGE stack of pregnancy books. My nightstand is buried under them.

- Hearing the heartbeat is the the most beautiful sound I have ever heard :)

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny Aleasha! I have to agree with the german food while pregnant and nausous...gross!
