Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Not-So-Exciting Belly Pictures

Blaine bought me a cute book we found at the bookstore called "The Belly Book". It's a journal and scrapbook to memorialize your pregnancy. It's been fun to fill out, but it has spots to put a belly picture for every week of your pregnancy. Taking one photo a week sounded fun at first, but it's kind of become a chore now, especially since I look pretty much the same in all of them. Rest assured, my pants got a little more snug each week, but no bump in sight yet ...

4 Weeks (baby is the size of a poppy seed ):
5 weeks (baby is the size of a sesame seed):6 weeks (baby is the size of a lentil bean):7 weeks (baby is the size of a blueberry):
8 weeks (baby is the size of a kidney bean):
9 weeks (baby is the size of a grape) ... why did Blaine take a picture of my butt instead of my belly?

I forgot to take a 10 week photo :( but the baby was the size of a kumkuat.

11 weeks (baby is the size of a fig):
12 weeks (baby is the size of a lime):

1 comment:

  1. Yeah a picture every week!! That will be awesome to look back on even if you don't feel like you are growing right now. I could barely manage to take one once a month for both of my pregnancies!!
