Tuesday, August 31, 2010

5th Month Reflections

Here is what's been going on in the 5th month:

- I am very confused on how to count the months in pregnancy. Between my books and the internet, there are at least 3 different ways people count them. For my use, I have concluded that I will use the system that has my due date actually landing on 10 months... it seems to make the most sense to count each 4 weeks as a month.

- My instincts were right all along. It's a boy! It actually took me about a week for it to sink in still. Now seeing all the little boy things in the store makes me melt!

- Picking a name is going to be hard! Blaine and I have mostly differing taste in names, and only a few we both like.

- Designing the nursery is also more overwhelming than I thought. I've started with a 33 page document on my computer filled with clipped pictures of ideas, bedding, colors, and such.

- I am very disturbed at the way my belly button is continuously morphing. It has so far journeyed through stages of innie, flat-ish, semi-outtie, lop-sided outie, and now flatting again. It's really weird!

- It's crazy to hit the halfway mark at 20 weeks. Really, it's astonishing to realize how fast its gone and how soon he's going to be here!

- I am still obsessing about my weight gain. At 20 weeks, I've gained 11 lbs. I am no longer 'underweight' on the chart :( ... now I'm hovering at 'just right'. It's time to cut back on the ice cream!

- Right at 20 weeks, the little kicks started! It's so much fun to feel the little 'thumps' in my belly. I am really looking forward to when they are strong enough for Blaine to feel.

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