Saturday, November 20, 2010

8th Month Reflections

Here a bit on month 8:

- Somewhere between 31 and 32 weeks, EVERYTHING got more difficult (walking, sleeping, eating, breathing, etc).

- It was really cool to finally see 3-D images of the little guy at my 30 week ultrasound. It's funny to me that every other 3-D ultrasound I've ever seen has seemed kinda creepy-looking ... but with my own baby, it's totally fascinating!

- We had my baby shower this month. I am so blessed to have my mom and friend Cara to host it (not to mention the all the help from Jessica, Molly, and Kym!). It was a mid-day affair for a whopping 40 guests! I had such a great time and my little boy is totally spoiled with the car-fulls of gear we toted home.

- We took the "Birth Basics and Breathing" classes at the hospital. It was really informational and we found our instructor, Janice, an absolute hoot. Blaine was a great sport, the only eye-rolling was regarding a classmate who asked way too many annoying questions (can you believe that it wasn't ME?). We learned a lot, but it also kinda scared me ... I feel almost too educated about the dangers/gross stuff than I needed to be.

- I was surprised to find myself melancholy about managing my last wedding of the season at 33 weeks (technically 32 weeks and 6 days). I plan to make appearances at the rest of our weddings, but I was kinda sad to officially step out of my lead role.

- This month of the pregnancy went by pretty fast. I've been really busy with work and baby preparations, and am only just now starting to get more uncomfortable than I've been.