Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baby Shelton in 3-D!

I had a routine ultrasound today at 30 weeks. We have 3-dimensional pictures! I'm not sure if it's kind of creepy or really cool ... but here's science's best guess at what our son looks like:

I think he's all daddy! He's going to have Blaine's nose for sure ... and I think the little guy will look a lot like his daddy. He may have my lips and chubby cheeks though :)

Everything with baby and me are perfectly healthy. Even my weight gain is right on target. The only unusual thing is that he is looking to be a BIG baby. He's already 4 pounds, and his weight and measurements are all around 3 to 3 1/2 weeks ahead of my due date. It has no bearing on when he'll arrive (I was told that is more about hormones that are released when his lungs are mature). It does mean that he could possibly be a 9 to 9 1/2 pound baby. Yikes! Apparently, as we go through the next several weeks, the doctor will re-evaluate me to see if she will advise a scheduled c-section. On that note, I will finish this post with today's photo of his giant (super-smart!) head that is still measuring in the 97th percentile:

1 comment:

  1. I have measured 2 weeks ahead for both kids and they were still in the 8 lb. range so have hope the estimate is off. My friend had a baby 2 days ago that was told the baby was 10 lbs. so they induced on her due date...baby was 8 lbs. 5 oz. As for the large head...good luck with that, I've had kids with head size in the 25%!
