Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dear Baby (from Momma)

Dear Baby,

I've been meaning to write you for a while. I can't believe its been 7 months since the day I found out you were on your way to our home. It sometimes feels like that was just yesterday, but most of the time the days go by so slowly because I just can't wait to meet you.

Your daddy and I got to see the first 3-D pictures of you this week. It makes me that much more anxious to hold you and to have you here with us. I think you are going to look just like daddy (he's a handsome guy, so you've got a lucky hand there!), but hopefully you'll have a hint of me in you too! Daddy hopes you'll have my eyes. You've certainly got his head though ... all 97th percentile in circumference. It panics me to think of how I'm going to get you out, but I know it's all worth it for you!

I can't say that I have loved being pregnant with you. The affects on my body have not been entirely pleasant. Never doubt for even a moment that I have loved carrying you. Knowing that God is knitting you together, the details of you both inside and out ... it's just indescribable. Feeling you move and kick makes me smile every time as I dream of who you might be and what lies ahead for all of us.

You won't understand this for decades to come, but it's mind-boggling to know how much I already love you. You are my first child, my son. The hopes I have for you are endless. My dreams are for you to smile MUCH more often than not, to be grateful for all I know you'll be blessed with, to find happiness in your life and in the life you share with others, and most of all, to chase fiercely after God so that He may act in your life and through your life. This particular desire we have for you is the reason for your namesake, but that is a whole other story! I hope that you find a passion in your interests and occupation, whatever talents you choose to pursue. I find myself praying for you and your one-day spouse already; that God look after her and guide her ... that one day you might be as joyfully fulfilled in your marriage as your father and I are.

You should know that one of the greatest things I will ever do for you is marrying your father. God really orchestrated that one, but the effects of that blessing will echo long into your life. He is the best father I could have ever chosen for you. He is so smart, brilliant really. He inspires me often to keep learning about the world and to challenge my mind. He will no doubt encourage the same in you. He is also the most generous person I know with how caring he is. I am spoiled with how he loves me and puts my needs before his. It is with determination that I continually attempt to match his kindness, but always fail in comparison. I hope you inherit this quality of his.

Make no mistake that both your father and I have our short-comings. Please learn to be forgiving of us and learn from our mistakes. Know that we will always strive to do our best for you in a love that is unconditional. We will act in accordance in God's command to parent you with a balance of discipline and patience, encouragement and kindness ... to raise you up, and one day, let you go.

Oh my little guy, cherish each and every day. Live it to it's fullest. Love furiously. Chase any dreams you may have with courage and determination. I will always be here for you. You will always carry my love with you.

I love you my son,


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