Friday, July 30, 2010

4th Month Reflections

Just a little journal of my thoughts on month four:

- I am told this will get annoying, but I loved having a stranger touch my belly for the first time! Don't worry, no one broke the rule of assuming I was pregnant vs. tubby. It was my yoga instructor who already knew I was pregnant :)

- I've been obsessing over the scale in fear that my weight could balloon quickly if I am not diligent about my health. Hitting 5lbs of total weight gain so far is bitter-sweet because I am right on track and even a couple pounds light according to the doctor ... but I have a long road ahead of getting wider and rounder, yikes!

- It's such a bummer that my favorite yoga class is now too uncomfortable for me.

- Carbs of any kind taste better than ever!

- Blaine talked to my belly for the first time this month. The conversation was mostly about ASU football's outlook and ranking for the coming season.

- I didn't enjoy feeling so self-conscious during the "beer gut" phase of weeks 13-16 ... but I think I've now "popped" at the very end of this fourth month.

- Hearing the heartbeat is always amazing, but particularly wonderful at our 15 week doctor appointment because we knew that we were officially out of the woods from 1st trimester miscarriage worries.

- We have 3 potential boy names picked out, but no girl names. I've been so convinced it's a boy all along ... it's going to be a major shock if it's a girl. Can't wait to find out!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Belly Pictures - Month 4

13 weeks (baby is the size of a peach) and we were in Colorado:14 weeks (baby is the size of a lemon):15 weeks (baby is the size of an apple):16 weeks (baby is the size of a mango):
You'd think all these "fruit" comparisons were so cute ... but most of the time I just feel like I am growing a "beer gut"! I know soon enough it will be a bonafide baby bump :)

Elastic-Infused Shopping

Starting at the beginning of my 2nd trimester, I was struggling with my wardrobe. Not only were my clothes starting to get uncomfortable, but since I have not yet shared the pregnancy with my work world, I was feeling more self-conscious about my developing "beer gut".

Momma to the rescue! My mom, Barb, was so super-sweet to offer to take me out for my first maternity outfit. We went shopping, and I was surprised to find a store-wide sale and A LOT of cute things that weren't the mu-mu's I was expecting to dread.

The saleslady insisted that I try on the foam-rubber belly in the dressing room because she thought my mom would love it ... and sure enough, out came the camera.
I had so much fun shopping with my mom. As I scooped up my finds, I went to ask my mom which outfit she wanted to ring up (so I could figure out what else I'd need to cut from my purchase to afford it). Much to my surprise, she bought ALL OF IT for me!!! I have such an amazing mom. The generous gesture brought my hormonal state over the edge, and next thing you knew ... I was the pregnant girl crying in the middle of the maternity store!

Thank you mom! For the clothes, the fun time, and all your love.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

12 Week Ultrasound Photo and Video

Wow, did out little amoeba-baby change from week 7 to week 12! I'm not sure I can describe how seeing him/her made me feel exactly, but Blaine and I agree that it feels much more "real" now. We are over-the-moon giddy!

I think I've watch this 2 minute video a couple of dozen times already. I can't get enough of the little creature wiggling around.

I love the little hand resting up by it's face. It's even cooler in the video because you can see the tiny fingers!

Not-So-Exciting Belly Pictures

Blaine bought me a cute book we found at the bookstore called "The Belly Book". It's a journal and scrapbook to memorialize your pregnancy. It's been fun to fill out, but it has spots to put a belly picture for every week of your pregnancy. Taking one photo a week sounded fun at first, but it's kind of become a chore now, especially since I look pretty much the same in all of them. Rest assured, my pants got a little more snug each week, but no bump in sight yet ...

4 Weeks (baby is the size of a poppy seed ):
5 weeks (baby is the size of a sesame seed):6 weeks (baby is the size of a lentil bean):7 weeks (baby is the size of a blueberry):
8 weeks (baby is the size of a kidney bean):
9 weeks (baby is the size of a grape) ... why did Blaine take a picture of my butt instead of my belly?

I forgot to take a 10 week photo :( but the baby was the size of a kumkuat.

11 weeks (baby is the size of a fig):
12 weeks (baby is the size of a lime):

1st Trimester Reflections

Here is are some of the highs, lows, and lessons learned from my first trimester:

- Excitement over being symptom free was fleeting. The dizziness, nausea, and watery mouth started at 4 weeks and lasted until 11.5 weeks.

- Apples with peanut butter, nuts, and dried fruit were the only things that kept me and baby alive during these 3 months.

- Announcing our news to family and friends was WAY more exciting to me than Blaine.

- Oversees jet-lag is extra painful when you are constantly tired and nauseous.

- German food is absolutely stomach-turning when you have morning sickness.

- I feel ahead of the weight gain game to only have put on 1 pound the whole trimester. I guess morning sickness has that one perk.

- My new favorite thing was to run my hands over my belly in the morning before I got out of bed to feel how my tummy was starting to change slightly.

- I had only 2 incidents of mind-numbing cravings. There was the bean burrito that I HAD TO HAVE right in the middle of my yoga class. Then over coffee and cake one evening in Europe, we waived over the waiter so I could order some french fries too!

- Before being pregnant, I never knew I could have a debilitating fear of throwing up in front of clients or in public.

- It's way to easy to collect a HUGE stack of pregnancy books. My nightstand is buried under them.

- Hearing the heartbeat is the the most beautiful sound I have ever heard :)

Baby's First Photos

Fortunately, everything turned out just fine, but I was having some spotting early on that led to a series of ultrasounds early in my pregnancy.

It was a particularly nerve-wracking because Blaine was in Europe for school. It was tough to be alone and worried, not to mention mortifying to fall into tears every time I saw the ultrasound technician! But like I said everything turned out just fine, and no worse for wear, we got to keep some pictures as souvenirs.

5 weeks pregnant (baby is the size of a sesame seed):
6 weeks pregnant (baby is the size of a lentil bean):

7 weeks pregnant (baby is the size of a blueberry):

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Telling the Parents

This is going to be the first grandbaby for both Blaine's parents and my parents. Our first thought was to wait to tell them until after our Europe trip lest they worry about me traveling, but it was just too hard to keep the news a secret!

Mother's Day weekend was the perfect time, and my family was all getting together for a luncheon. As desserts rolled out, I handed my camera to an unsuspecting waitress, and Blaine made the move.

"I just wanted to say that it's really great that we get to celebrate all the wonderful mothers here, and especially since we are going to have another mother in Aleasha" announced Blaine. Oh, the reactions were priceless! Tears and hugs all around, but no one beamed brighter than Bill, the grandpa-to-be.

Next up, the Sheltons! They weren't available on Mother's Day, so we had to tell them a few days later, but that gave me time to plan the surprise. My mother-in-law, Sung, loves Coach-brand purses and jewelry. I managed to find myself a Coach box and muslin bag to hide a baby bib that said "Grandma Makes Me Smile". See for yourself the surprise as we presented her with a "Mother's Day gift".

Telling Blaine

My career and passion revolves around creating emotionally significant moments and memories. So telling Blaine that we were expecting was not bound to be a simple task in my mind. After some soul searching, a google for ideas, and a trip to the mall, I had a plan!

Blaine was just getting over a flu bug and getting back into the swing of work and school. We had breezed right through our 4th wedding anniversary with only brief celebratory comments to each other. I was pestering Blaine that we couldn't let the occasion of our anniversary get too far past us without sharing our Anniversary Vows. Every year since we've been married, we write a brief renewal of vows for each other. Out little cards have become a treasured keepsakes that really show us how we've grown and evolved in our marriage already.

So after some coaxing and reminding, we were all set to "celebrate" our 4th anniversary on April 28th (6 days late). Blaine got home from his day at work and school, and we sat down on the bed to read our vows to each other. Afterward, I told him I had a present for him. He was pretty surprised at this already because we really aren't present-givers on anniversaries.

He pulled out a narrow little box and opened it to find the digital pregnancy test that read "pregnant" loud and clear. Then I got the best gift of all: the biggest hug I have ever received in my whole life!

After a few tears and a lot of hugs, Blaine opened the rest of the present. He got a card from me and a "I (heart) my Daddy" coffee mug from the baby.

Really? Is that a line?!?

It may come as a surprise to you, but I sometimes have a tendency to overreact ... well, that is if 'sometimes' means all the time.

I was unrealistically devastated when we didn't become pregnant right away when we started trying. So, in April of 2010, I was trying to be more reasonable about my expectations when it came to taking my monthly pregnancy test. I am a planner after all, and I like to know things as soon as possible (waiting until I was late was never in the cards). Just like the commercial says, 6 days before my cycle was due, low and behold .... a faint shadow of a line!!!

Holy moley! But was I imagining it? Well, 36 hours later and 6 tests from 2 manufacturers, it was for sure. I was pregnant! Now I had to figure out how to tell Blaine he was going to be a daddy .......

The Stork Came Knockin'

Sometime around the spring of 2009 ... I got the itch.

Yup, whether you want to call it a biological clock, a case of the babies, the stork squakin', or plain old baby-dust, I got it in a bad way.

Blaine and I have always been the type of people who plan and who do things the "right way". We both were "good kids" in high school, got through college in a relatively expedient fashion, met each other in 2003, got married 3 years later, and thus was our story. Now, of course, we complicated that simple story in our signature Shelton way (buying too many houses for our own good, living at home with each of our parents simultaneously, had a destination wedding, etc). Nonetheless, we have been immeasurably blessed in our love of the adventure and love for each other!

So back to "the plan" that the "good kids" had made to do things "the right way". My wedding planning business was growing, Blaine was starting grad school at night while working full-time, and we generally had our plates full with friends, family, church, basketball, and so on. There was no question in our minds that procreation should be reserved until at least night school was behind us.

But gradually, all the logical arguments for waiting seemed to be becoming less and less important. And that's how it all began ...