Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Really? Is that a line?!?

It may come as a surprise to you, but I sometimes have a tendency to overreact ... well, that is if 'sometimes' means all the time.

I was unrealistically devastated when we didn't become pregnant right away when we started trying. So, in April of 2010, I was trying to be more reasonable about my expectations when it came to taking my monthly pregnancy test. I am a planner after all, and I like to know things as soon as possible (waiting until I was late was never in the cards). Just like the commercial says, 6 days before my cycle was due, low and behold .... a faint shadow of a line!!!

Holy moley! But was I imagining it? Well, 36 hours later and 6 tests from 2 manufacturers, it was for sure. I was pregnant! Now I had to figure out how to tell Blaine he was going to be a daddy .......

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you went through many tests! I love the digital ones, so much easier!!
