Friday, July 30, 2010

4th Month Reflections

Just a little journal of my thoughts on month four:

- I am told this will get annoying, but I loved having a stranger touch my belly for the first time! Don't worry, no one broke the rule of assuming I was pregnant vs. tubby. It was my yoga instructor who already knew I was pregnant :)

- I've been obsessing over the scale in fear that my weight could balloon quickly if I am not diligent about my health. Hitting 5lbs of total weight gain so far is bitter-sweet because I am right on track and even a couple pounds light according to the doctor ... but I have a long road ahead of getting wider and rounder, yikes!

- It's such a bummer that my favorite yoga class is now too uncomfortable for me.

- Carbs of any kind taste better than ever!

- Blaine talked to my belly for the first time this month. The conversation was mostly about ASU football's outlook and ranking for the coming season.

- I didn't enjoy feeling so self-conscious during the "beer gut" phase of weeks 13-16 ... but I think I've now "popped" at the very end of this fourth month.

- Hearing the heartbeat is always amazing, but particularly wonderful at our 15 week doctor appointment because we knew that we were officially out of the woods from 1st trimester miscarriage worries.

- We have 3 potential boy names picked out, but no girl names. I've been so convinced it's a boy all along ... it's going to be a major shock if it's a girl. Can't wait to find out!

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