Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Telling Blaine

My career and passion revolves around creating emotionally significant moments and memories. So telling Blaine that we were expecting was not bound to be a simple task in my mind. After some soul searching, a google for ideas, and a trip to the mall, I had a plan!

Blaine was just getting over a flu bug and getting back into the swing of work and school. We had breezed right through our 4th wedding anniversary with only brief celebratory comments to each other. I was pestering Blaine that we couldn't let the occasion of our anniversary get too far past us without sharing our Anniversary Vows. Every year since we've been married, we write a brief renewal of vows for each other. Out little cards have become a treasured keepsakes that really show us how we've grown and evolved in our marriage already.

So after some coaxing and reminding, we were all set to "celebrate" our 4th anniversary on April 28th (6 days late). Blaine got home from his day at work and school, and we sat down on the bed to read our vows to each other. Afterward, I told him I had a present for him. He was pretty surprised at this already because we really aren't present-givers on anniversaries.

He pulled out a narrow little box and opened it to find the digital pregnancy test that read "pregnant" loud and clear. Then I got the best gift of all: the biggest hug I have ever received in my whole life!

After a few tears and a lot of hugs, Blaine opened the rest of the present. He got a card from me and a "I (heart) my Daddy" coffee mug from the baby.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you have a video of telling him! It made me remember each time I've told Jake, very touching Aleasha!
